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This Week in Effect - 2024-04-26

Hi Effecters!

Welcome back to a This Week In Effect (TWIE), our weekly update that aims to help you keep track of everything that is going on inside our Community and the Effect Ecosystem.

If it’s your first time here, Effect is a powerful TypeScript library designed to help developers create complex, synchronous, and asynchronous programs. One of the key features that sets Effect apart is how it leverages structured concurrency to provide features such as async cancellation and safe resource management, making it easier to build robust, scalable, and efficient programs.

To get started, below you’ll find links to our documentation as well as our guide for installing Effect. Enjoy!

If you’re new to TWIE, here are a few words on what TWIE is and what it aims for.

We’re happy to see the community growing so fast, with more and more people adopting Effect. At the same time, we understand that it might not be easy keeping up with everything that is going on in the Effect Ecosystem:

  • Effect became API stable with the Effect 3.0 release.
  • Our Discord server reached 2420+ members a few days ago and the engagement is at an all-time high.
  • We’ve begun publishing the talks from Effect Days every week. Make sure you don’t miss any by subscribing to our YouTube channel.
  • All projects around Effect are receiving key updates and there has been a lot of activity on GitHub!

We want to make it easy for you to find all the info you need to fully enjoy your Effect journey and actively engage with the community!

And, that’s why we created TWIE – a weekly update to inform you about key events about Effect in the previous week, both from the community (Discord discussions, X posts, YouTube content, etc.) and from a technical standpoint.

Now, back to business!

We’d like to draw your attention to a small update that will bring a huge benefit to anyone using Effect: with patch 3.0.4 (already released), Effect no longer needs an adapter function in order to yield effects! Scroll down for the PR.

Below you can find all the changes that occurred last week.

In the last week, we welcomed +140 new Effecters to our Discord server! Thank you all for joining the Effect community, we’re excited to have you on board!

The first Effect Paris Meetup happened this week and we heard it was a success! It’s incredibly exciting to witness the rapid growth of the Effect community in France. A huge thank you goes out to the Evryg team, in particular Jean-Baptiste Musso and Antoine Coulon for organizing and hosting the event.

Jean-Baptiste gave us a little sneak peek about when the next Meetup will take place 👀. So stay tuned for future updates!

On Monday we posted one of the most anticipated talks from the Effect Days conference, “Why Effect is more important than ZIO” by John De Goes. John is the author of ZIO & founder of Ziverge and Golem Cloud, and also, Grandfather of Effect (cit. Sebatian Lorenz).

In this talk, John discusses the history and design decisions of ZIO, the birth and evolution of Effect, and the reasons why he believes Effect is here to stay and will have a bigger impact on commercial functional programming than ZIO.

We’re happy to see more and more developers and content creators recognizing the value of the Effect library and introducing it to their projects. It’s exciting to see Effect gaining traction and making a positive impact in the community.

  • Matt Pocock TypeScript educator and author of Total Typescript, conducted a poll on Twitter asking the audience if they were excited about Effect. We encourage you to dive through the replies where you may find some interesting ones, like the one shared below by Matthew Phillips, CTO of The Astro Technology Company and co-creator of Astro.

Last but not least, we’re excited to announce that one of the Effect workshops hosted during Effect Days in Vienna is now available on our YouTube channel! The workshop, led by Ethan Niser, is designed for beginner to intermediate Effect developers.

Before wrapping up, we’d like to remind you that Michael Arnaldi, author of Effect, will be giving a talk at the LambdaConf 2024 on May 6-7, 2024. If you’re around, feel free to drop by and say hello!

That’s all for this week. Thank you for being a vital part of our community. Your feedback is highly valued as we fine-tune this new format. Feel free to share your thoughts, and we’ll do our best to tailor it to the needs of our community.

Effect Community Team