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Create Effect App

The create-effect-app CLI allow you to create a new Effect application using a default template or an example from a public Github repository. It is the easiest way to get started with Effect.

To begin, run the create-effect-app command in your terminal using your preferred package manager:

Terminal window
npx create-effect-app@latest

This command starts an interactive setup that guides you through the steps required to bootstrap your project:


After making your selections, create-effect-app will generate your new Effect project and configure it based on your choices.


For instance, to create a new Effect project in a directory named "my-effect-app" using the basic template with ESLint integration, you can run:

Terminal window
npx create-effect-app --template basic --eslint my-effect-app

If you prefer, create-effect-app can also be used in a non-interactive mode:

Terminal window
(-t, --template basic | cli | monorepo)
(-e, --example http-server)

Below is a breakdown of the available options to customize an Effect project template:

--changesetsInitializes your project with the Changesets package for managing version control.
--flakeInitializes your project with a Nix flake for managing system dependencies.
--eslintIncludes ESLint for code formatting and linting.
--workflowsSets up Effect’s recommended GitHub Action workflows for automation.